
Product Number Model Intermittent Power – kW Rated RPM Location Available SOH Unit Price
GJ65678 403D-11 19.7 3000 WA 3  $ 6,086
GJ65678 403D-11 19.7 3000 NSW 5  $ 6,086
GK65797 403D-15 24.2 3000 NSW 5  $ 6,420
GN65796 404D-22 38 3000 NSW 13  $ 7,350
GP65809 404D-22T 45 2800 QLD 1  $ 9,445
GR65810 404D-22TA 49 2800 NSW 16  $ 10,319
NL38753 1104D-44T 62 2200 NSW 2  $ 11,685
RE51221 1104C-44 64 2400 NSW 4  $ 11,744
RR51292 1104A-44 64 2400 NSW 4  $ 12,390
RS51293 1104A-44T 80 2400 NSW 8  $ 13,053
NM38734 1104D-44TA 81 2200 NSW 16  $ 13,195
NM84991R 1104D-44TA 83 2200 NSW 7  $ 12,762
RJ51163 1104C-44TA 95 2200 NSW 19  $ 13,947
NR82763 1104D-E44TA 96 2200 NSW 4  $ 19,158
NR82767R 1104D-E44TA 106 2200 NSW 5  $ 16,336
PU83397R 1106D-70TA 129 2200 NSW 2  $ 19,939
PW82789 1106D-E70TA 151 2200 NSW 4  $ 20,945
PT83257R 1106C-70TA 162 2200 WA 1  $ 18,756
PT83257R 1106C-70TA 162 2200 NSW 8  $ 18,756
PW82792 1106D-E70TA 168 2200 NSW 3  $ 20,860
PW82796R 1106D-E70TA 186 2200 NSW 32  $ 25,332
PW82798R 1106D-E70TA 205 2200 NSW 3  $ 28,089
NGWS0122 1706D-E93TA 280 2100 NSW 3  $ 46,401
PK3S0035 2206D-E13TA 310 2100 NSW 14  $ 56,757
PK5S0004 2506D-E15TA 403 2100 NSW 8  $ 62,421
  • All subject to Allight’s Terms and Conditions of sale
  • Currency is AUD
  • Pricing excludes optional accessories and freight.
  • Limited to quantities listed